About this time last year we were in final rehearsals in Colchester for The Mystery of the Raddlesham Mumps (our first performance was at the Lakeside Theatre in Essex on 11th April)
Now we are beginning the process of making our new show together IFFLY SNEY AND THE TANDLESHAM NOOK – and we’re looking to recruit a team of young Creative Agents to help that develop the story. Could that be you/your child???
Ideal for the curious child, whose interested in words and language and / or who has a wild imagination! The project should be a great stimulus for creative writing and thinking as well as encouraging storytelling and design skills .

‘Soaked in atmosphere…..six year old Hilda gives it 10 out of 10: a really hilarious show’ The Guardian on The Mystery of the Raddlesham Mumps
Iffly Sney and the Taddlesham Nook is a new folktale-inspired show telling the story of brother and sister Atom and Luna and their quest through a magical forest in the company of Iffly, the kindly giant and the mysterious Old Mother Redbeard.
In order to tap into the minds of future audiences, Murray and our fab creative team are looking for youngsters aged 7+ to assist in the creative process. The idea is to involve children in both the making of the new show ……..
“It’s a brilliant project,” said Murray Lachlan Young, “the idea is to create a digital interface for children to pass through into wider performance and creativity.”

So, how do children get involved with the creation of Murray’s latest offering, Iffly Sney and the Tandlesham Nook?
“We were meant to be developing Iffly in rehearsal rooms in the East and North West” I explain in our press release! “but Covid19 put a stop to that. However, thanks to the understanding and flexibility of Arts Council England the creative team will now be running the R&D in the digital space from their own homes up and down the country. A key part of that R&D will be reviewing and working with the material the children send us.”
To sign up all you need to do is share with us your e mail address, and we can start sending you creative tasks to feed into our process!

And in the mean time The Raddlesham Team have also released some fantastic resources – fun for all the family, or in school settings too!
- Downloadable activity sheets are at the Raddlesham Mumps site – available here
- Interactive digital versions of those sheets on the MBD Ltd site – available here
- If you fancy playing our prequel game on Android tablet or phone its – available here
- And similarly, if you have Oculus Go, try our Virtual Reality experience – available here
- And of course you can buy the book of The Mystery of the Raddlesham Mumps – available here
And if you’d like to listen to the studio album of The Mystery of the Raddlesham Mumps you can do so below! We hope you enjoy!
For more information about the project see www.raddleshammumps.co.uk