Here’s just some of the incredible feed back we’ve had so far from the tour of The Mystery of the Raddlesham Mumps

‘It was incredible…8 year old mesmerised, parents also mesmerised. LOVED IT. Go’ Jo Fletcher Cross
‘Just seen the beautifully staged #RaddleshamMumps at @WiltonMusicHall with @ijoeallen being utterly brilliant & the fiercely clever @MurrayLYoung delivering in fine style’ Marcus Brigstock

‘THIS! THIS! See this! Young, old and everyone before, after and inbetween! @MurrayLYoung’s latest masterpiece (and he’s had a few). ‘ Matt Everitt (BBC 6 Music)
‘Murray Lachlan Young is one of our greatest children’s writers as far as I can see’ Barbara Pierson, Artistic Director, Lakeside Theatre’
‘This absolute gem’ Kate Labno

‘Pure genius – utterly exhillerating from start to finish. Smiled from ear to ear in wonder and awe of its and your brilliance. It should be on the curriculum. A must see for all’ Victoria Grant
‘Hillarious and gripping storytelling’ Ginni Manning
‘Fabulous show!’ Jordi M Asher
What a night! Congratulations team #RaddleshamMumps – you sure know how to entertain an audience of all ages. – Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall

‘Great script/poem, very comedic, very gothic, an all round great tale!’ Finn T
Just breathtaking. The writing, the direction, the music, the costume, the pace, every detail was extraordinary….GO GO GO see this show
‘So cleverly written and performed, and lovely to hear the laughter from the little people in the audience. Reminded me of reading Dr Seuss to mine’ @Lynz0075
‘As someone who doesnt really ‘do’ theatre I’m not sure what I was expecting from the Raddlesham Mumps but I honestly loved it! Such a fantastic story and the performances were astounding. A truly gripping, spellbinding fairytale’ Lisa Gibbs

‘dark, witty, poetic’ Rachel Tarkenter
‘weird & wonderful creative & comedic performance’ Vanessa Cuthill
‘Enchanting work’ Dr Liam Jarvis

For more information about the project see, photos Mike kwasniak
Brilliant fusion of mime, movement and comic repartee. Innocence, cruelty and slapstick combine in a performance you will not forget.