Welcome to my web site, thank you for dropping by. I am a theatre maker, creative producer and freelance arts manager. I love working with artists and making new (often crazy) stuff happen, and especially stuff which has something to say to todays world. My work tends to blur traditional boundaries often blending music, theatre, spoken word and the digital arts. Sometimes I do that under my own steam, sometimes working with other production partners and venues.
Do follow me on twitter and facebook, and if you’d like to be in touch please see my contact page!
Sep 18
Suffering from Been on a Trip Syndrome
There’s a thing isn’t there called Been On A Course Syndrome, well I think I’ve caught something similar Been On A Trip Syndrome. I’ve just spent a few days in Cartagena, Spain – a town that is attempting to maximise...
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Sep 18
A VR/AR viewing list courtesy of Expanded Realities
A list of VR/AR films mentioned or featured at todays Digital Catapult / Open Cities Docs Fest #expandedrealities seminar. In no particular order, and I will have missed some! http://allseeingeye.co/projects/immersive-histories-dam-busters/ http://eastcityfilms.com/witness-360 https://youtu.be/ZCCJ4HcTU3Q http://eastcityfilms.com/indefinite/ https://youtu.be/fksXe5bLcYM https://www.paisleysmith.com/ https://vimeo.com/274953919 https://vimeo.com/273215708 https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/venturebeat.com/2018/04/24/ar-experience-terminal-3-puts-you-in-the-boots-of-a-u-s-customs-officer/amp/ https://youtu.be/82ZsVqlmx84https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/06/24/world/middleeast/douma-syria-chemical-attack-augmented-reality-ar-ul.html https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/video/2017/apr/11/first-impressions-a-virtual-experience-of-the-first-year-of-life-video-trailer...
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